Structural Steel Connection Design Services | Steel Connection Design Services | Connection Design Services | Stair and Railing Design Services
Structural Drafting Group has been offering Structural Steel Connection Design Services to various fabricators and contractors from USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAE and other countries since last more than 15 years. We have a team of Structural Designing and Connection Designing who are experts and provides complete design and analysis services to study and evaluate the design of building structures under different loading conditions. Structural Drafting Group expertise in beam design, column design, slab design and foundation design further help in founding a strong and sustainable building structures made up of steel, aluminum, concrete and/or wooden sections.
As of 2008, our Steel Connection Design Division included over 135 detailers, checkers, and project managers, making Structural Drafting Group one of the Biggest steel connection design service provider in the USA and India. We provide connection design for numerous thousand tons of steel and detail over 23,000 tons of steel each month through 3 offices in India and USA.
Structural Drafting Group have team of expert connection structural engineers who can provide high quality and cost-effective connection with calculation and stamping. Structural Drafting Group has capability to provide PE/SE registered stamping for all 50 States of USA, Canada, Saudi Arabia and UAE.
We make use of tools like, MathCAD and other applications for designing connections. We also employ teams of experienced engineers who work with BIM software such as Revit, Constructor, NavisWorks, and SmartPlant 3D.Tekla and ANSYS Mechanical to evaluate the strength of the structural members and provide suggestions to improve the design for better performance against the possible loading conditions.
Structural Drafting Group expert structural engineer team is highly proficient in conducting end-to-end structural analysis for all kinds of projects irrespective of their scale.
Connection Design Services
- Structural Connection Drawings
- Structural Analysis
- Designs as per ASD, LRFD and IS Standards
- Stair and railing design (Engineering and stamped calculations for connections)
- Beam-Beam Connections
- Beam-Column Connections
- Column splice designs
- Moment, Axial, Bracing (Horizontal and vertical) and other lateral connections
- Complex Truss Connections
- Special connections per project requirement.
- Detailed Calculations along with Complete Report (Will also include every supporting Table, Connection Sketches, Mapping and Calculation Reports)
- Stair & Railing Design – Pan, Stringer, Header, Base, Columns, Hangers, Handrails and Connections
Structural Steel Connection Design
- Moment connection
- Shear Connection
- Bracing Connection
- Truss Connection
- Erection Support
- Steel Connection Drawings
- Designs per LRDF & ASD design standards
- Detailed Calculations, Complete Text and Output in PDF, MS Word or MS Excel (with Supporting Calculations, Tables and Sketches)
- Axial Connections
- Hanger Connections
- Braced Frame Connections
- Truss Connections
- Seismic Design Connections
- Connection drawings
- Designs per AISC, BIS, and BS standards
- Beam to Column connections
- Beam to Beam connections
- Horizontal brace connections
- Vertical brace connections
- Heavy diagonal brace connections
- Complex truss connections
Our priority is to build long-term, healthy relationships with our clients by understanding their needs relative to steel fabrication support engineering for their projects.
- Industrial platforms
- Structural Engineering Design and Analysis
- Industrial process plants
- Structural Design and Analysis
- Petrochemical plants
- Structural Design and Analysis
- Commercial Buildings
- Structural Steel Design and Analysis
- Mixed use Buildings
- Schools
- Refineries
- Power plants
- Coal Handling Plants
- Hook-up Structures (Lifting Analysis)
- Shelters with and without Cranes
- Commercial Buildings
- Power plants
- Steel plants
- Cement plants
- Chemical plants
- Architectural buildings
The International Standards we Follow:
- American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
- American Welding Society Standards (AWS)
- Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC)
- British Constructional Steelwork Association (BCSA)
- The European Confederation of Iron and Steel Industries
- Swedish Institute of steel construction (SBI)
- OSHA Guidelines and Standards (OSAP)
- National Institute of Steel Detailing (NISD)
Contact us or email: for Steel Structural drawings and Connection Design. we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Structural Steel Connection Design | Moment connection | Shear Connection | Bracing Connection | Truss Connection | Erection Support | Miscellaneous Item Connection Stair | Railing | Platform | Catwalk | Connection Design | Anchors Design | Glass | Aluminium | Ladder
Detailed Engineering Services | Proposal Engineering Services | Conversion of Point Cloud to 3D Modeling Services | 2D CAD Drafting Services | Skid Design Services | 3D Modeling Services | Specialized Engineering Services | HSS connections | Splices (beams and columns)
Miscellaneous Connections | Conceptual, Preliminary and Detailed Structure Design | Design back-up Calculations | Modeling and Analysis | Foundations Design | Reports and Packages | Professional Engineer sealing | Design and Detail engineering of Oil & Gas Structures | Design of Bulk Material Handling Systems